We were graced with viewing these incredible skies with the Cascade mountain range in the background early one morning this week... a fabulous window dressing for our morning breakfast.
A Road Trip to the Sea
We had just returned from spending our New Year's on the Oregon coast, a supremely beautiful and peaceful place.It rained heavily going and coming back, but there were pockets of calm and light, and I got my dose of walking the beaches.... and noticing... a feather here, a broken shell there, a clutch of feathers from a fallen bird, driftwood, foamy puffs (sign of a healthy beach) , lots of sand patterns....... much to take in and enjoy, allowing the busy mind to rest and drift along in random thoughts and possibilities.

We discovered something new on this journey to the sea we have made year after year... a side trip into history. We visited Fort Clatsop, part of the fairly new Lewis and Clark National Historical Park. This newly designated National park (2005? how could I miss that all these years of driving by??) encompasses about 40 miles of Washington and Oregon coast composed of half a dozen sites including state parks. All of these are historic sites that were of importance in the Lewis and Clark expedition after their grand 4000 mile journey west in the early 1800's. Fort Clatsop is a replica of the small fort that housed them through the winter. We walked through the forest, awestruck by the gigantic Sitka spruce there, a cathedral of trees whispering all the ancient stories they had heard... We have been to several of the other sites, very much worth a visit: Ecola St Park, Nutel Landing, Ft Stevens, Cape Disappointment, the Salt works, Dismal Nitch (such a name, baptized upon it's shores because of the bitter winter storm the men endured in that spot)...

Another new year, though I count my real new year as starting with my birthday month..... Change is afoot, as it always is, waiting in the corner... as I bring my attention and focus to being more in nature/outdoors and less in sedentary activities, more house maintenance and order, more travel, more painting and experimenting with art and listening to my own voice and less workshops, and cherishing of the true relationships that are of importance to me.... and taking time to just be and breathe... And sending you many wishes for peace, harmony and abundance wherever you may walk this year.....