Today I'm playing with photographs and Photoshop (PS). I was choosing a picture to send in for the latest photoartjournals Yahoo group exchange on Spirals. The top picture is taken at a Reptile Garden in South Dakota on a road trip a couple of years ago. I was captivated with not only the skeleton but the dramatic spiral shape. I used PS to remove the display frame and signs around the skeleton. The second photo I used PS to produce a negative image. You can do this by selecting Image>adjustments>invert... very easy.
Spirals are such a wonderful natural design, and as a design has been found in all cultures since ancient times, often associated with the sun or the snake. Here is another quote I like about them, don't know who wrote it: "Our earth describes a spiral course. We move in circles, but we never come back to the same point. The circle is not closed. We only pass the same neighbourhood many times. It is characteristic of a spiral that it seems to be a circle but is not closed."
A Lunatia lewisii, aka, Moon Snail, a vacated shell found at Mutiny Bay, Whidbey Island, WA (lovely, these can grow up to 7 inches!)...

The interior of the Westport, WA lighthouse...

The M81 Galaxy is a spiral-shaped system of stars, dust, and gas clouds, the galaxy's arms wind all the way down into the nucleus. The Hubble Space Telescope gathered the data needed for the photos in this You-Tube video between 2004-2006, and produced the sharpest image ever taken of deep space and this "grand design spiral" galaxy which is located 11.6 million light-years away. The Hubble Space Telescope's view is so sharp that it can resolve individual stars, along with open star clusters, globular star clusters, and even glowing regions of fluorescent gas. This color composite was assembled from images taken in blue, visible, and infrared light. The music is Creation du Monde by Vangelis. Copyright by the artists... Enjoy and contemplate your spiral journey.
I like your spiral theme and different takes on it.
Thanks Paula,
I can't wait to see our latest group book of spiral photo's... sure to be inspiring.
I loved the one of the lighthouse. Spiraling through life, not linerally but in circular paths from beginning to end, always interconnected. Your photos (and theme) give much food for thought.
Thanks awyn,
I thought the lighthouse looked like a giant eye looking back at me... Thanks for stopping in.
"Seems like a circle but it is unclosed"...I like spirals too... open with potential.
The spiral has always been one of my favorite symbols, it is probably the openness of it, you never know where it will lead.... thanks for stopping in, Blue Sky!
I love spirals and circles too. One of my favorite rings is made up of circles.
Love your spiral serpent bones!!
Tara - you'll have to show me that ring when our art group meets again
Lisa - my fav too, I love skeletons & bones...
thanks for stopping in...
Hello Delorse--so glad I found your marvelous blog! You have reminded me of a book I began with the theme of spirals. It is such a significant symbol. Love the stunning YouTube video at the end.
Hi Gina, glad you enjoyed my blog...
Wish we could have had all your images in the book - they are ALL so wonderful. I've been trying to find a spiral staircase forever - now I know that I need to visit a lighthouse. Also love the centipede.
Thanks Catherine, would like to have included them, but just did not have the time to do it...my time seems to fly by these days. I'm glad you liked the photos!
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