Satisfaction of one's curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life. Linus PaulingAs with any art medium playing with fiber and threads and yarn can be so satisfying as raw materials, scraps or forgotten stash transform into something anew. It takes that sense of exploring to push towards trying something unknown. For some the bigger risk is "messing up" that piece of material or yarn, but is it really ever "messed up", or just on the way to becoming something better, kind of like us.
There are several circles of women artists that I play in. Recently in the Needlearts Guild, we decided to learn how to make tassels, so found whatever yarns we had on hand. Quite amazing what can be done with scrap yarns, maybe even some thought to be "ugly" yarns and with inspiring companions. Our circle brought to life a lovely array of colorful tassels.
There is a beauty in the ugly one, if only ones eyes are open to seeing it, reclaiming it.
And a couple of weeks ago, inspired by Jude who has a wide circle of women artists, via her web blog, I experimented on scrap heavy cotton and muslin, doodling with permanent and non-permanent markers, then adding different stitches to my 9 patches on the square, and dampening with a used wet teabag. Interesting effects that bear more exploring.... Here are two of my patches as I prepared to stitch them with French knots and running stitches. See Jude's examples here and be inspired to experiment too:
What shall I do with these squares? I am not sure yet, but I have ideas..... Stitching and fabric lend themselves to such wonderful texture, something I miss when doing traditional watercolors.
wow, delorse, these are all so cool. i especially like the little squares. i find jude extremely inspiring, also!
oh, there is a great freedom going on here. keep going!
thank you for the encouragement, I do love to experiment all the time...
Thank you so much for your note....I wish you good luck with all your what iffing.!
Warm regards.
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